Our Work for Children

Everything World Vision does is focused on one goal: the sustained well-being of children, especially the most vulnerable.


World Vision is committed to helping children enjoy life in all its fullness. Our work with families, communities and local partners strives to improve the well-being of vulnerable children, in the most important aspects of their lives. Our efforts address basic needs, but also go beyond those to include the spiritual, psychological and relational aspects of thriving in a vibrant and empowered community.

Global Commitment

World Vision works in more than 90 countries, including urban and rural areas, to bring help and hope to the world’s most vulnerable. We employ local staff in order to develop local partnerships that strengthen communities and empower children.

Sustained Change

World Vision’s nearly 2,500 programmes are designed to address children’s urgent needs and to ensure that children’s well-being is sustained for the long term. We work to empower communities, families and children themselves to tackle the root causes of poverty and build a better future together.   

Integrated Goals

By integrating our work across key sectors, World Vision helps communities to:

  • keep their children safe and protected in times of crisis as well as in daily life
  • ensure that children grow healthy and strong
  • support children and families in acquiring the knowledge and skills needed to lead productive, fulfilling lives
  • foster loving and nurturing relationships with God and each other.