Community Health Resource Persons provide much needed health support for mothers and children
In Papua New Guinea, many pregnant mothers die while giving birth. Babies born safely were most likely to become malnourished later in life, become ill from infections illness like TB or die if they have poor health and nutrition. Lack of health education and information in rural communities and lack of trained health workers also contribute to families not receiving important health information and education. In 2014, records in all hospital shows admission of children under the age of 5 contributes to 50 per cent of hospital admission ( because of less health information reachind the rural population has led to health issues women and young children in the community like unwanted pregnancy, malnourished children and birth complications among many others.
Since 2015 World Vision started facilitating Health Project that identifies Musong-Tale in the Nawae District, Morobe Province as one of the targeted sites which also faces similar issues.
The village has more than 800 people. Among many of the young mothers is 20-year old Francisca Mamblo. When Francica become pregnant after having a consensual relationship, she became scared of how her family would react. Even more challenging was how she would look after herself and her baby.
“My parents did not say much about how I would manage myself when I’m ready to start a family of my own so when I become pregnant, I did not know what to do. I remember having all sorts of negative thoughts about how I would manage and have a healthy baby,” said Francisca.
“I was convinced to see Ruth who is the Community Health Resource Person (CHRP) trained by World Vision. I have seen pregnanted mothers and mothers who delivered safely consult her for counselling and advise. I was determined she would help me through with my situation,” says Francisca.
“One morning I went to Ruth’s house looking worried. She asked what was my concern that brought me to her home and I explained my situation. She encouraged me to be strong and convinced me that there was nothing to be worried about as this was normal any woman would feel when placed in such scenario like myself," says Francisca
Ruth Isa is a CHRP trained by World Vision since 2015 when World Vision started working in her village. Ruth provides health education for mothers and children. In early 2016, Ruth attended two trainings facilitated by World Vision to empower locals in communities to provide house visit for the rural population targeting mothers of young children and children under two years.
Ruth Isa who provides health support to Musong-Tale community through household visits and counselling for mothers and children having a playful time with seven month old Imelda and her mother Francisca. Photo: Tommy Maima/World Vision.
The training provided her with resources like growth chart and information kit which enabled her to provide proper counselling for mothers using the food pyramid and giving educational information on immunization, breast feeding and family planning.
So far, Ruth has provided health advise and counselling to 15 mothers in her village, who gave birth to 16 healthy babies. Ruth has continued to impact lives of children and mothers in Musong-Tale Village by doing what she learnt. Ruth also provided Timed and Targeted Counselling (ttC) to young Francisca who gave birth to a healthy baby Imelda who is now seven months old. Baby Imelda continues to be monitored by Ruth and will continue to be monitored until she reaches the age of two. This is to ensure that she regularly gets her required immunization, eats healthy nutritious meals and her mother is provided with other health tips to care for Imelda and her own health.
Francisca and 7-month old Imelda (second right) together other mothers and their children await their turn for antenatal clinic at Situm Health Centre. CHRPs ensure mothers are well informed of the importance of visiting health facilities for immunization and antenatal services. Photo: Tommy Maima/World Vision.
“Imelda is a playful and is very active girl and we all loved to hang around her. My family cares for her very much and grateful for Ruth who continues to visit us and provide vital information needed for Imelda’s growth,” says Francisca with a smile.
In Papua New Guinea, one out of every 13 children die before reaching the age of five. National statistics show that close to half of the children in PNG are stunted (45 per cent), 24 per cent are under weight and 14 per cent suffer from moderate and severe forms of wasting which are life-threatening for young children (
World Vision’s PNG Health Project aims to ensure mothers and children are in good health and are well nourished by identifying village volunteers who are equipped with adequate training to implement Timed and Targetted Counselling and Household Visits.
World Vision’s Timed and Targeted Counselling (ttC) is a comprehensive training course for Community Health Workers, care groups and volunteers working in maternal and child health. A key aproach under World Vision’s Global Health and Nutrition Strategy known as 7-11 (7 interventions for mothers and 11 interventions for children), ttC takes a life-cycle approach, supporting from pregnancy to two years of age, offering the best opportunity for a child’s life-long health. This is built around evidence-based, cost effective key intervention for pregnant women and children under two that, when taken together, can significantly reduce maternal and infant/young child morbidity and mortality.
World Vision’s Health Project in Morobe is implemented in 10 communities in Nawae and Markham districts. . Over 40 CHRPs have been trained under the project while 35 are actively working in their respective communities. CHRPs have supported 79 mothers and their children since 2016.
Miriam Simon, a trained CHRP for Nariwang Village, Markham District doing house-hold visit to monitor a mother and her infant at their home at Nariawang. Photo: Tommy Maima/World Vision.
Funded by the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) and supported by World Vision Australia, the PNG Health Project is implemented in Morobe, Madang, the National Capital District and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
A total of 313 CHRPs have been trained under the PNG Health Project in three provinces. Since 2016, 336 mothers were monitored and provided counselling to by trained CHRPs.
From these monitoring, ttc and household visits, 80 babies were born healthy without complications and are well nourished. These children are now being monitored until the age of two. The ANCP funded PNG Health Project is a 3-year project that started in 2015 and will end in June 2017.