From Barren Fields to Thriving Business

Pierre Gina Seraphin smiles, her small business besides her
Pierre Gina Seraphin smiles, her small business besides her
Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Pierre Gina Seraphin is a woman of strength and resilience. She has seen life’s highs and lows, yet she perseveres no matter what obstacles come her way. Her life in the rural community of Biclair in the North of Haiti is a testament to the human spirit and the power of determination.

Gina attends to her trade

A dusty road leads to Biclair; Pierre Gina tends to her small business by the side of the road. Her weathered face is etched with lines of hardship, but her eyes are bright with a fierce determination to survive. Her smile is warm as she greets the buyers, young and old, welcoming them to her humble stall.

On top of her 53 years, Pierre Gina is a farming mother of four, and her life has been shaped by the land she tills. She used to plant bananas, yams, sweet potatoes, and peas; her hands would be calloused from the hard work. But the relentless drought that had plagued her community had left her fields barren, and she could not plant anything. It was a devastating blow to her livelihood, and she was at a loss for what to do.

“I used to tend my gardens filled with bananas, yams, and peas,” she says, “but today, there are no gardens.” When she speaks about her struggles and challenges, Pierre Gina's eyes fill with emotion. "Life is slipping away from us," she said. "The rivers are dry, and there is no water. Even when we plant crops, the sun destroys them. We have nothing left."

To support the families in the community, World Vision targeted vulnerable families to provide them with income-generating activities. She received $200 worth of goods from World Vision, such as oil, spaghetti, and rice. With determination and resourcefulness, Pierre Gina grew this small gift into a thriving business, selling spices, eggs, and flour by the side of the road.

This small business became her lifeline. It was the only source of income she had to feed and care for her children. Her revenue allowed her to give her children the necessities of life: food, water, and education.

As Pierre Gina shared her story, she smiled through her tears, "If it weren't for this small business, I don't know how my life would be. It's helping the children. It's helping me. It's giving us hope for a brighter future."

World Vision's work with similar mothers in rural areas is making a real difference in the lives of people like Pierre Gina. Through initiatives like income-generating activities, World Vision has empowered 120 people like Pierre Gina to take control of their lives, build businesses, and support their families. Each family receives US$300 worth of goods to support their businesses. They are also working to provide access to clean water, healthcare, education, and other essential resources to help break the poverty cycle.

Pierre Gina's story is just one of many in Haiti, where poverty and drought continue to impact the lives of countless families. But World Vision's work in rural areas makes a real difference, providing hope and a pathway out of poverty.