Breaking barriers: transforming lives through a small business

A young girl, Lesebertine, 16
“Without the small business, my mother can't feed me. Without it, I can't pay for my school; I can't buy food. My life would be a disaster,” explains Lesebertine.
Tuesday, March 26, 2024

In the community where Lesebertine resides, farmers are grappling with the challenge of providing for their families, particularly due to the persistent drought and the soaring cost of living. For Lesebertine's mother, Saint-Annia, aged 42, combating poverty while ensuring her two young daughters receive an education is a formidable task. Despite the adverse conditions, Saint-Annia persists in cultivating her gardens, though the recurrent droughts often thwart her efforts. "Whenever I plant vegetables and there's no rain, I lose the entire harvest," laments Saint-Annia.

Fortunately, World Vision has intervened in Lesebertine's community. In 2022, 80 families were provided with small businesses to breathe life into their economic activities and alleviate poverty in the desolate environment. "Engaging in trade empowers families economically," elucidates Marie Judith Marseille, a World Vision staff member. Today, Lesebertine reflects, "My mother thrives in business endeavors, and I aspire to emulate her." Saint-Annia expresses her gratitude towards World Vision, acknowledging, "Thanks to their support, my business flourishes. I'm able to provide for my family, buy them clothes, and even during droughts, we have enough to eat due to these economic activities."

Lesebertine, aged 16, resides with her mother, Saint-Annia, aged 42, in Savane Plate, central Haiti. Their life has been marked by hardship, particularly since Lesebertine lost her father at the tender age of six. Despite Saint-Annia's efforts to cultivate her gardens, the relentless drought often devastates their harvest. "If I plant vegetables and it doesn't rain, I lose the entire harvest," recalls Saint-Annia, highlighting the challenges they face. 

To make ends meet, Saint-Annia travels to the city to purchase goods for resale in her community. However, the distance and lack of availability of essential items pose significant hurdles. "If you walk, it's a long way back to town," she remarks, underscoring the difficulties. Determined to improve their situation, Saint-Annia embarked on a small business venture with minimal funds, but her efforts yielded little success. However, her fortunes changed when she received news of being selected by World Vision to receive assistance. "It was exactly what I needed at that moment," she acknowledges gratefully.

World Vision's comprehensive intervention in the Lesebertine community, including the provision of small businesses, has been instrumental in revitalizing economic activities and addressing poverty. Marie Judith Marseille emphasizes, "Our aim is to transform lives and ensure the well-being of children." The impact of this support is evident in Saint-Annia's improved economic stability, which enables her to withstand rising prices and provide for her family's needs.

Through access to community savings groups facilitated by World Vision, Saint-Annia has further enhanced her business prospects. Gilles Destiné, a trainer, explains, "The creation of these groups is part of a project aimed at empowering the poorest communities." Saint-Annia expresses her appreciation for the support received, noting, "I have access to credit at favorable rates to develop my business further." This assistance has not only bolstered Saint-Annia's entrepreneurial endeavors but has also instilled hope for a brighter future for her family.

Lesebertine admires her mother's resilience and entrepreneurial spirit, expressing her aspirations to follow in her footsteps. Saint-Annia's gratitude towards World Vision is palpable as she reflects on the positive impact of their support on her family's well-being. Through their intervention, World Vision has not only provided tangible assistance but has also ignited a sense of optimism and possibility for a community striving to overcome adversity.