Our Uncertain Future

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Many years from now, when we look back upon the Syrian conflict with a collective sense of grief, it will be the children we will think of first. As the violence enters its fourth year, an entire generation of children is suffering the brutal consequences of atrocities and global inaction. In neighbouring countries, more than 1.2 million children are struggling to survive as refugees; navigating insecurity, social tensions and educational barriers as they try to remain strong for themselves, their friends and their families.  

As a children’s agency, we speak often of the many issues affecting their young lives. We take these to the highest levels to try to advocate for peace, and to bring protection and aid. 

To mark three years of the conflict in Syria, World Vision International invited children living as refugees to write a report; to share, in their own words, their biggest concerns, and to propose solutions. Across Lebanon and Jordan, 140 children responded. Enthusiastically they brainstormed, debated, interviewed their peers and collated and analysed results. They then elected a smaller group of writers to formalise their findings. Their words, aside from translation from Arabic into English, have not been altered.