Our development approach focuses on children and seeks to enable their families, local communities and partners to address the underlying causes of poverty. Building on the roles and abilities of partners or the resources and help that reach children.
Each year we measure our impact upon the following child well-being targets:
- Children report increased level of well-being,
- Increase in children protected from infection and disease,
- Increase in children who are well-nourished,
- Increase in children who can read by age 11,
In 2014, World Vision contributed directly to the increased well-being of 1,720,090 children (907,501 girls and 812,589 boys) against the strategy target of two million by 2015. Each year we measure our impact upon the following child well-being targets. The progress highlighted in this report is drawn from our work in 56 Area Development Programmes (ADPs) spread across 35 counties, seven baseline surveys and 12 evaluations conducted during the year.