Providing hot meals and non-food items to all new arrivals from S.Sudan.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

August 2016, World Vision Uganda kick started provision of hot meals, dry food rations and core relief items to all new arrivals from South Sudan. This in partnership with WFP and UNHCR at Bidi-Bidi refugee settlement in Yumbe district. World Vision is currently WFP's lead partner for food/ cash assistance and at the same time UNHCR's partner for distribution of core relief items

Bidibidi settlement, officially opened on 2nd August 2016 will according to government be able to host up to 150,000 refugees and has been opened to decongest Adjumani district’s refugee settlements. Adjumani district is now home to more than 155,000 refugees and some of its transit centers like the one at Nyumanzi are too full to even conduct a head count.

 ‘’It is indeed such an honor for us to be entrusted with this big responsibility by WFP. It says a lot about our capacity as an organization and the confidence the donor world has in us. It’s a call for us to continue striving for excellence and be accountable to both our funders and beneficiaries’’ Noted Tina Mukunda, World Vision Uganda’s senior programmes director

All the new refugees are being temporarily housed at Bidibidi reception centre center where World Vision is now providing them a one day’s hot meal of Corn soya blend porridge, maize flour and beans.

After 24 hours the refugees are relocated from the reception centre to the resettlement site where each is allocated a 30x30 metres plot of land to set up a home. After this, World Vision gives them core relief items and monthly food rations.

The core relief items being provided include basins, blankets, plates, cups, cooking pans, kitchen sets, mosquito nets, tarpaulins, sleeping mats, basins among other house hold items.


 ‘’Most of these refugees are entering Uganda without a single belonging and that is why it is very essential that they get this kind of help. These kits, just like the food rations are given according to the family sizes. ’’ Tina Mukunda added.

World Vision is also doing child protection, where it is providing Psychosocial support and Case management services for unaccompanied and separated refugee children. The organisation is currently doing foster care arrangements for refugee children who have arrived without parents/ guardians. Plans are also underway to set up over 21 child friendly spaces providing early child hood development and play spaces for children.