Selected by USAID’s "Leading through Learning Global Platform "
World Vision's Catch Up Programme CUP) has been featured as 'Promising Practice in Accelerated and Remedial Education' case study in by USAID's edu-links. This research was conducted by the University of Auckland and included a rigorous selection and evidence review process. The case study highlights how CUP contributes to local systems strengthening building on WV's community-based distinctive and is adaptable to contexts where children need remedial or accelerated learning and remains relevant beyond COVID related disruptions,
READ - Promising Practices in Implementing Accelerated and Remedial Education in the COVID-19 Response - Snapshots from Africa and Asia
World Vision Action Learning Report
The Action Learning Report documents some of the key lessons, short and longer-term recommendations emerging from a process of action learning within the pilot program. The report is structured around a series of learning themes and questions that were co-designed and prioritised to inform the refinement of program guidance, adaptation and future evidence-building.

Catch Up Programme Collaboration with Open University
The Open University conducted a research visit in May 2024 to:
- Explore how the Catch-Up Programme is being adopted in Zimbabwe and across different schools.
- Identify common aspects and differences in implementation and adaptation developed locally.
- Understand strengths, challenges, and opportunities for increasing learning outcomes for the most vulnerable children.