The Homes and Communities Activity is a five-year (2021-2026) literacy project that aims to ensure that all Rwandan children have literacy-supportive, stimulating, and safe home and community environments to enhance their education. This will be achieved through improving home literacy environments and learning opportunities for children with disabilities and increasing community engagement in promoting children’s literacy.

Targeting 889,983 children (226,706 pre-primary, 663,277 lower primary) and 829,097 parents and caregivers in all 30 districts in Rwanda, the activity contributes to improved literacy outcomes by the end of Primary 3 (P3). (Source: Project monitoring data). The project interventions

  • Improving home literacy environments,
  • Increasing community engagement in promoting children’s literacy, and
  • Improving literacy learning opportunities for children with disabilities.

    Abraham 9 year from Nemba Primary school was supported by World Vision's USAID literacy project to go back to school.