World Vision at the World Urban Forum 12

At the World Urban Forum 12, World Vision is proud to position itself as a thought leader and a key partner in programming and policy/advocacy opportunities. Our commitment to addressing the rights and needs of children and youth in both fragile and stable urban settings is unwavering. We are dedicated to engaging with international platforms focused on urban issues, ensuring our voice and expertise contribute to meaningful change.
Addressing Climate Change in Urban Settings
While cities are major contributors to climate change, they also play a critical role in developing solutions to the climate crisis. Developing strong multi-stakeholder partnerships and undertaking urban resilience activities can make cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. By recognizing their catalytic role in climate change mitigation, WV seeks to ensure children and young people’s voices and perspectives are front and centre in national and global fora on climate change, and their needs and aspirations are reflected in climate change decision-making processes.
Our commitment to urban populations at risk of intersecting vulnerabilities
As an international humanitarian and development organization, World Vision is committed to addressing the needs and fulfilling the rights of the most vulnerable children and youth in the poorest, most violent, and fragile cities, towns, and other urban contexts. We ensure they participate in decisions and initiatives that impact their lives. We commit to working with and through multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary partnerships with faith communities and institutions at local, municipal/city, and national levels to influence urban policy and practice, especially those affecting the most vulnerable and marginalized urban groups.
For more details: Mapping and research to comprehensively measure child vulnerability worldwide
Join us at the World Urban Forum 12 as we work together to create a better future for children and youth in urban settings. Let's make a difference together!
WVI delegation at WUF12
World Vision Led Event

Tuesday 5 Nov | 1:00 - 2:30 PM | Multipurpose Room 19
Leveraging mental modelling to craft unique solutions to climate adaptation in the Middle East a child-focused approach
This event will explore how vulnerable children and youth (CAY) in the Middle East view climate challenges and opportunities. We will provide actionable insights for urban actors to empower them to engage more effectively in localised climate action and build resilience in their communities.
Where to find us
In addition to WV led event, members of WVI delegation will be speaking in different partner-led events, find us here:
WVI delegation will also participate in children and youth-focused events organized by UN-Habitat, find us here:
Related Resources
Our Urban Work

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