Tree Foods for Healthy Diets in South Sudan

Friday, August 10, 2018

The South Sudan Integrated Food Security and Livelihood Project, which is funded by the Australian Government - Department for Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) through the Australia NGO Cooperative Programme (ANCP) funding mechanism, aims to achieve improved household food and income security through increasing agricultural production, productivity and increasing incomes, which can be used to enable families to purchase food and diversify diets.

Food Plant Solutions publications provide educational resources to different stakeholders in South Sudan, with special support to FMNR (Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration) introduction and promotion work, by providing good reference to food plant trees, creating awareness and enabling a better understanding of the nutritional value of their local food plants.

This publication has been developed as part of a project undertaken by Food Plant Solutions Rotarian Action Group, World Vision and the Australian Government's Department for Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

Feel free to download your copy.