18 Months On - Southern Africa rises from the devastating El Nino challenge
Almost two years after the devastating El Nino phenomenon affecting close to 30 million people in Southern Africa in 2015, the people are gradually moving forward with renewed hopes that the future will be much better.
World Vision’s emergency response to the crisis covered eight national offices including Angola, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. To date, its work has supported close to 3.5 million people through life-saving needs and initiatives that aimed at boosting resiliency for future disasters.
The El Niño phenomenon is the strongest the region has faced in 35 years causing massive food insecurity, increased food prices, death of livestock and economic slow-down. In addition, there are significant impacts to children, particularly in food insecurity and malnutrition.
World Vision Southern Africa Region declared a Category III multi-country climate change-induced food insecurity and water shortage emergency with a Global response on the last quarter of 2015.
Eighteen months on, World Vision has assisted 3,472,462 people during both the relief and recovery phases. The Response ended in Zambia and South Africa while projects in Angola, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland and Zimbabwe will be ending within the next 6 months.
Highlights of the emergency response work in Southern Africa:
Angola / Health and Nutrition - 157,832 children under 5-screened for malnutrition; 20,427 with acute malnutrition supported
Winning the battle against malnutrition through therapeutic food
Malawi / Disaster Risk Reduction - 1,348,764 trees planted
Cash and food assistance helps keep girls stay in school and out of early marriage
Mozambique / Food and Cash Assistance - USD$ 5,461,846 cash transferred and voucher provided to beneficiaries
Food relief in Mozambique uses innovative e-voucher program
Swaziland / Food for Assets - 91community asset creation projects for 45,238 beneficiaries
60MT of seeds for Swaziland’s drought assistance underway
South Africa / Water, Sanitation and Hygiene - 194 water tanks installed
Girls suffer more than boys during drought; assessment answers why
Lesotho / Health and Nutrition – 160 hand washing facilities in schools
Hand washing becomes normal practice in Lesotho
Zambia / Food Assistance - 101,557 people supported with food with funds from the Zambian government
Combatting malnutrition through food assistance and immunization in Zambia
Zimbabwe / Health and Sanitation - 4,444 latrines for households and schools constructed and rehabilitated
Village health workers step up campaign against malnutrition
More videos from Southern Africa
For more details, please contact:
Yheleen Veso, Senior Program Officer, SAR El Nino Emergency Response
Joseph Kamara, HEA Director, Southern Africa Region (SAR)