I had a happy childhood thanks to my sponsor
“He is the most special person I have ever known. I will always be thankful to God for bringing him into my life, how can I not be? He made my childhood happy and my life special.” With this words, Elsaida begins to tell her story—A story based on a relationship of care, encouragement and love. Love that comes from thousands of miles away…
The 15-year-old, lives in southern Albania, in the city of Shkodra. Elsaida is a girl who loves life and lives it to its fullness. She is a beautiful and elegant girl, with dark eyes and dark hair. She lives with her family. Her father is unemployed because of the limited amount of economic and employment opportunities in the area. Her mother works to take care of Elsaida, her husband and her youngest daughter (Elsaida’s elder sister is married and has a daughter who brings a lot of joy to their lives.) Her brother went illegally to France some months ago to help the family provide additional income. Her mother works eight hours each day, ironing in a nearby factory, earning only $150 per month. This is the only income the family has to depend on.
(Elsaida and her little sister Edona, happily hugging each other) Photo by, Linda Karameta
Even though their family’s income is low, Elsaida and her sister have never stopped going to school and have always been among the best students. “We are a happy family,” she says. “But, sometimes I get sad [when] I start to think about things I don’t have, but I wish to, like me friends do,” explains Elsaida. In these moments, she felt the support of her sponsor the most. She explains that she often shared her with him; her sadness and the lack of hope.
But, as the young girl says, he has never let her down. “Maybe, for you, it is hard to believe, but what he told me in those moments has changed my life and the way I see now the world. He wrote me that the material things are so unimportant and not to let them break us down; that the most important things are free. We can’t buy them, even with all the money in the world. Because we are rich in our hearts. Still today, I cannot forget his words,” Elsaida shares.
Their correspondence is special because her sponsor is Albanian by origin, and can write in Albanian. “I write him in English and we try to correct each other,” she says smiling. His name is David. He is 30 years old. He is a psychologist and maybe this is the reason that Elsaida also dreams of becoming a psychologist when she grows up. She also dreams of being an English teacher, because her favourite subject at school is English. She is very happy because David is helping her to improve her English and she is helping him to improve his Albanian.
“I never stop smiling.” This is what she once wrote to David. He liked it so much that he asked if he could “borrow” her quote to use in his everyday life. His letters to Elsaida are full of love and care. “David, is not my sponsor, he is my friend and my guide,” she explains. “I am Muslim and he is Christian, and this makes our friendship more special. The verses from the Bible he shares with me are so meaningful and a life lesson for me,” Elsaida adds.
In her home, she has all the letters Daivd has sent to her; the first one also had his picture which is very precious to her. In one of the letters he wrote, he was taking piano classes, meanwhile Elsaida loves singing and dreams of having a guitar but her parents can afford to buy her one. “It never crossed in my mind to ask [my parents] to buy a guitar for me. It would be crazy. We can’t afford such a luxury,” she explains.
Being sponsored has changed Elsaida’s life. “David did what no one else did before for me. He sent me $150 (USD) for my birthday on two separate years,” says Elsaida, with endless gratitude. With the money, she bought new clothes and since she has grown up she gave the clothes to children in need in her neighbourhood.
(Elsaida lives with her parents anf her little sister, Edona.) Photo by, Linda Karameta
“David is like a member of our family,” Says Elsaida’s father Idriz. “He does what we can’t do for our daughter and she is a lucky girl to have a sponsor like him.”
Her summers have been active, funny and educational because she had the chance to be part of the summer camps World Vision has organized in her city. She remembers summer as the happiest time of her life. For many girls like her, this is the only activity they can be part of during the summer.
“I had a childhood thanks to David, a beautiful one. Thanks to him, my life is special. I have a story to tell to everyone I meet in my life. He is not my sponsor, he is my friend, and one of those friends you have always in your heart,” concluded Elsaida.