The project seeks to address the early recovery needs of families affected by the recent war in Nagorno Karabakh (both locals and those arrived from Nagorno Karabakh) by providing them with means and skills to better engage in the socio-economic life of their communities. WV utilizes the so-called Graduation Approach which implies engaging household providers in integrated activities for income generating start-ups and is built up on five core pillars: consumption support, savings, asset transfer, technical skills training, and regular life skills coaching.
The project is primarily implemented by social workers who work directly with target families to help them identify their specific needs and put together individual development plans through which these families will partake in various social and economic opportunities based on their interests, experience, location, age, etc. With the proposed intervention, World Vision applyս its Ultra-Poor Graduation model for the most vulnerable households affected by the recent war in the NK, that focuses on targeting social protection, livelihoods promotion, financial inclusion, and social empowerment based on best practices within World Vision and global Graduation programs.
The Project will target Yerevan, Syunik and Aragatsotn regions where there is high concentration of the affected families. The project will provide direct support to 60-65 families, while the number of individual end beneficiaries will be around 240-260 people, counting 4 family members on average per each family supported.
The project’s first output is aimed at providing poor families affected by the NK conflict with tailored support/material assistance to engage in income-generating activities.
The second output is aimed at development of skills for long-term social and economic integration of poor families affected by the NK conflict.

Actions in Brief
Key Actions
• Work with affected families to develop individual plans
• Conduct general training on basics of business, financial literacy, budget planning and spending, how to be competitive in the market, etc.
• Purchase and transfer assets (inputs, equipment, etc.)
• Conduct individualized training to the targeted HHs on technical skills, including automotive repair, mechanic, swing skills, electricians, culinary arts, SMM, Graphic design etc.
• Support HHs as they maintain financial effectiveness when it comes to budget planning and spending as applicable (coaching).
• Train project staff and social workers on life skill coaching
• Provide training on life skills to project participants (positive parenting, saving, hygiene, healthy nutrition, etc.)
• Support project participants through life skill coaching and ensure they are linked to respective markets
• Organize confidence-building and life-planning (positive thinking, stress management, etc.) sessions
• Organize project participants’ engagement in various community initiatives aimed at building sense of belonging to the community and social capital.