Goals and objectives

The goal of the “Together Against Trafficking in Persons” project, which is funded by the US Department of State, is to promote victim-centered identification, referrals, services, and procedures in Armenia to enhance human trafficking protection, contributing to the implementation of the Strategic Vision of Armenia on combatting trafficking. 

This project has three expected outcomes: 1) Enhanced and standardised trafficking in persons identification, screening and referral tools and mechanisms are in place and enforced by respective governmental agencies, 2) Improved breadth and quality of services for victims of trafficking in Armenia, and 3) Victim-centered investigations and victim-centered approaches during court proceedings are prevalent. 

Key actions

Key activities include: Developing and institutionalising mechanisms to ensure the proactive screening and identification of the victims of human trafficking and exploitation by the Government of Armenia; Improving the breadth and quality of services provided to the victims of human trafficking and exploitation in Armenia; and enhancing and operationalize victim-centered investigations and victim-centered approaches during court proceedings.

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