Girls' education in Zimbabwe helps Mellisa gain confidence and access to school

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Mellisa’s Story in her own words

My name is Mellisa. I am a 13-year-old girl and currently in grade seven. I am a member of the Power Within girls club which I joined in 2014. l am blessed to be a member of the girls club as l am now engaging in various activities at school. I live with my grandmother who is a member of Village Savings and Lending (VS&L) and is also in the Mothers Group.


"...the matron teaches us on personal hygiene and menstrual hygiene for girls from 10 years of age," says Mellisa.

We do drama and poetry in the girls club. This term we are playing girls soccer, netball and volleyball because IGATE blessed us with sporting equipment for the club. I was taught how to sew pads, and the matron teaches us on personal hygiene and menstrual hygiene for girls from 10 years of age. The IGATE project has changed my life through the various models that were implemented at school.

Before the introduction of the IGATE project in our school and community, I never thought l would manage to proceed to grade seven because my grandmother was struggling to pay my school fees and also secure other basic education necessities. I thank IGATE as it enlightened our community, including my grandmother. After being trained on Village Savings and Lending, she joined a VS&L group. Through VS&L she is now able to pay my fees at school on time, and since she joined VS&L, I have never been chased away from school like I used to before the introduction of IGATE. I no longer lack anything that is needed at school.

"...the encouragement that I am giving to other girls within the community is that they should value education and never drop out from school," says Mellisa.

Now l am very confident that I will pass grade seven and proceed to secondary school as my grandmother is able to pay my school fees, buy uniforms, stationery and food for the family. After completing my studies I want to be a nurse, and the encouragement that I am giving to other girls within the community is that they should value education and never drop out from school and have good behavior. I wish the IGATE project could continue for many years to come so that all the children in the community can be better people. I am so thankful to God and IGATE.

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