Local court clerks on Channels of Hope
Local courts clerks are attending a ‘Channels of Hope’ training organized by World Vision. The four-day training, which opened on Tuesday 21st, is conducted under World Vision’s Gender Program.
The training brings local court clerks to look into issues around Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and the Family Protection Act (FPA) using the Channels of Hope (CoH) approach which is used by World Vision in its gender programs across the country.
World Vision’s Gender Acting Sector Portfolio Manager, Koisau Sade, says the training compliments the FPA.
Part of the FPA requires local courts to issue protection orders to perpetrators of violence.
“Because of our customs, sometimes local courts don’t issue orders. They think violence in the home is a family matter,” said Koisau.
She said it is important that local court clerks and staff have good understanding of the Act and a good mindset to be able to respond to gender-related issues effectively.
National Child Protection Officer, Anika Kingmele, from UNICEF conducts a session on the recently passed Child and Family Welfare Bill, which also closely compliments the FPA.
The training is supported by the Australian Government.