Press release

Friday, July 25, 2014


As World Vision marks 20 years in Rwanda, the organisation -in partnership with the National University of Rwanda Centre for Conflict Management- has launched a Peace Building for Sustainable Development training programme.

“Graduates of this training programme will infuse peace-building in development initiatives across a conflict prone Great Lakes Region and the wider Horn of Africa Region,” World Vision’s National Director George Gitau said at the launch.

Participants at the ongoing training at Nobleza hotel are drawn from Burundi, Kenya, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, DRC, Uganda & Rwanda.

World Vision Rwanda is leading in efforts to grow capacity and expertise within East Africa to enable players in the development arena to significantly contribute to achieving "Peace, Protection and Opportunity for Every Child"

Tomorrow World Vision will mark 20 years of service to children and communities in Rwanda during a celebration gala to be held at Sano Park Kigali, on Friday July 25 -from 9:00AM – 2:00PM.

The programme commenced in 1994 at the peak of the genocide, but today celebrates milestones of children enjoying good health; children being educated for life; children being cared for, protected and participating; as well as ensuring they experience the love of God and neighbour.

Currently the organization is reaching over 1 million children and their families, and over the years it has constructed nearly 30 modern health centres and posts; increased child access to education by constructing and equipping over 1000 classrooms. World Vision Rwanda is acclaimed for championing peacebuilding, healing and reconciliation in its development programmes. Through its integrated and multi-sectoral programmes World Vision is reaching over 4 million people in Rwanda.


·      Reaching over 4 million people through its integrated and multi-sectoral programmes across 15 of the country’s 30 districts.

·      Constructed and equipped 9 modern health centres and 19 health posts to improve timely access to medical assistance

·      Improved child-health, as well as saved children and women from walking long distances to fetch water through its WASH programmes. Over 200 water springs, 208.7 kilometer water pipelines and 95 boreholes are in place and in service to people across the country.

·      Vision Finance Company is currently managing a portfolio of over 975 million Rwanda Francs, with a clientele of 9,053, that benefits over 24,500 children.

·      Vision Finance Company complements World Vision’s community empowerment and economic development work and working towards linking thousands of famers to the market.

·      World Vision’s operations are implemented through 29 integrated and multi-sector area development programs.