Romanian students help combat Malaria through mosquito net campaign

More than 30 World Vision volunteers and volunteers from five other aid agencies are running informative sessions about the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in schools, high schools and two local universities, to encourage about 600 students to take action against the diseases of poverty that claim the lives of millions every day.
Some 3,000 children die each day of malaria – deaths that could be prevented by using an insecticide-treated mosquito net. Only 5 percent of children from Africa sleep under a mosquito net because their families can’t afford to buy one.
I was shocked to discover that almost 1 billion people suffer from hunger while I’m hard to please with my three meals. “I was shocked to discover that almost 1 billion people suffer from hunger while I’m hard to please with my three meals. So, I decided to inform other children about the real problems that other children face so that they understand how important it is to be thankful for what God gives us”, said George, a World Vision volunteer.
Volunteers from World Vision, Red Cross, Humanity Association and Civic Resources learned about the eight MDGs and designed the campaign “Every class buys a mosquito net”, combining informative sessions with fundraising.
“If every student donates 1 leu, a class with 25-30 children could buy a net. And our target is to raise money for 50 mosquito nets”, said Carmen, a World Vision volunteer.
“It is amazing to know that you can save a life with an insignificant sum of money. Just by giving up some unhealthy pleasures like coffee, cigarettes or juice, you can easily save 30 lei (US$10) for a net. If people are well-meaning and focus their attention on this problem, they can certainly change this situation”, said Ioana, another volunteer.
It is amazing to know that you can save a life with an insignificant sum of money. The volunteers created posters, informative leaflets, a flyer about malaria and a website ( For the next two months, more than 3,000 informative materials will be distributed among students and residents from Constanta County, in order to encourage people to support Romania in her new mission of donor state.
“I didn’t know anything about MDGs and malaria before taking part in the workshop organised by World Vision. Now, I am more informed and conscious about what is happening in my world…So, I decided to change something; it doesn’t matter how small the change is”, said Cristina, a Red Cross volunteer.
To raise money for the mosquito nets, more than 200 first grade pupils from three local schools produced hundreds of small hand-made- souvenirs to sell between 1st and 8th March.
“I decided to be part of this campaign because I strongly endorse children’s right to be informed about everything that matters. Through the actions which we develop, I hope to sensitive children and the hearts of youth and to give some less fortunate people a hand. It is crucial to be united and act together to combat the diseases of poverty”, said Sorin, another volunteer.
“I hope that children from primary schools and youth will always identify themselves as citizens of the world, to have an open mind to the truest human values and the courage to follow their dreams without the inhibitions created by our history”, said Venera Botescu, MDG project coordinator.
In 2007, Romania’s contribution to Official Development Aid (AOD) funds, was 80 million Euros (0,07% of PBI).
Some 3,000 children die each day of malaria – deaths that could be prevented by using an insecticide-treated mosquito net. Only 5 percent of children from Africa sleep under a mosquito net because their families can’t afford to buy one.
I was shocked to discover that almost 1 billion people suffer from hunger while I’m hard to please with my three meals. “I was shocked to discover that almost 1 billion people suffer from hunger while I’m hard to please with my three meals. So, I decided to inform other children about the real problems that other children face so that they understand how important it is to be thankful for what God gives us”, said George, a World Vision volunteer.
Volunteers from World Vision, Red Cross, Humanity Association and Civic Resources learned about the eight MDGs and designed the campaign “Every class buys a mosquito net”, combining informative sessions with fundraising.
“If every student donates 1 leu, a class with 25-30 children could buy a net. And our target is to raise money for 50 mosquito nets”, said Carmen, a World Vision volunteer.
“It is amazing to know that you can save a life with an insignificant sum of money. Just by giving up some unhealthy pleasures like coffee, cigarettes or juice, you can easily save 30 lei (US$10) for a net. If people are well-meaning and focus their attention on this problem, they can certainly change this situation”, said Ioana, another volunteer.
It is amazing to know that you can save a life with an insignificant sum of money. The volunteers created posters, informative leaflets, a flyer about malaria and a website ( For the next two months, more than 3,000 informative materials will be distributed among students and residents from Constanta County, in order to encourage people to support Romania in her new mission of donor state.
“I didn’t know anything about MDGs and malaria before taking part in the workshop organised by World Vision. Now, I am more informed and conscious about what is happening in my world…So, I decided to change something; it doesn’t matter how small the change is”, said Cristina, a Red Cross volunteer.
To raise money for the mosquito nets, more than 200 first grade pupils from three local schools produced hundreds of small hand-made- souvenirs to sell between 1st and 8th March.
“I decided to be part of this campaign because I strongly endorse children’s right to be informed about everything that matters. Through the actions which we develop, I hope to sensitive children and the hearts of youth and to give some less fortunate people a hand. It is crucial to be united and act together to combat the diseases of poverty”, said Sorin, another volunteer.
“I hope that children from primary schools and youth will always identify themselves as citizens of the world, to have an open mind to the truest human values and the courage to follow their dreams without the inhibitions created by our history”, said Venera Botescu, MDG project coordinator.
In 2007, Romania’s contribution to Official Development Aid (AOD) funds, was 80 million Euros (0,07% of PBI).