Toy caravan reaches Romanian children in remote villages

Tuesday, August 22, 2006
At least 600 of the children involved in the activities were from World Vision ADPs in remote rural areas of Romania.

“I wish that I could do something and make this day last longer” said one of the young girls hopping on a big, inflated blue ball, from Gilau community, Cluj ADP.

A team of 4 teachers offered leisure educational activities for children between 4 to 14 years-old. The caravan challenged them to take part in group games, contests, workshops, painting and jugglery and offered them new, and interesting toys to play with.

children from the villages are more receptive than those from the city as they are more obviously in need of interacting with us through all kind of games, creative activities and stories “What I have noticed by going from place to place is that children from the villages are more receptive than those from the city as they are more obviously in need of interacting with us through all kind of games, creative activities and stories. Children from World Vision communities are really receptive and creative and we felt very welcomed in each of them” says Livia Alexandru, project coordinator with SOS Children’s Village Association.

The activities by the Car with Toys in all three World Vision ADPs were very much appreciated by children and parents as they fulfilled a socialising, team playing need, especially during the school holidays. The Car with Toys brought beautiful toys and initiated games to stimulate the children play according to the rules, as part of a team.

One of the first stops of the Car with Toys took place in the village of Rast, which suffered from Danube River’s massive flooding earlier this spring. While the adults were still bearing the marks of the long displacement as many families continue to live inside tents, the children played, laughed and were spontaneously enjoying the toys and the activities.

The activities by the Car with Toys in all three World Vision ADPs were very much appreciated by children and parents as they fulfilled a socialising, team playing need, especially during the school holiday More than 120 children and 50 adults, parents and teachers, took part in the 3 hours event in Rast. The children were especially happy to learn how to juggle and in the end the most talented ones proved the ability of putting up a show in front of their parents and friends.

Everybody went home with big smiles on their faces carrying toys made with their own hands, from nature given materials - peas, toothpicks, paper and clay.

The caravan is at its 3rd edition this year and both children and team hope to see each others again in the summers to come.