Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
Disaster risk reduction (DRR) & Climate Change Adaptation (CCA)
Disaster Risk Reduction is a core element of disaster management, and includes prevention, mitigation and preparedness. For development activities to be sustainable, communities must understand the hazards around them and learn how to reduce their disaster risk. World Vision encourages the building of disaster resilient communities by improving our capacity to deliver DRR and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) programmes across the countries where we work as well as participating in external and internal networks at all levels to share good practices, and coordinate and collaborate effectively to strengthen the resilience of those we serve.
Building Urban Resilience through Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia and Pacific
El Niño Response
World Vision's response to El Niño in Asia-Pacific - Infographic
Advancing School Safety in Asia
Comprehensive School Safety Practices in Asia
Urban Disaster Risk Reduction Framework - 2014
Stories and photos
Disaster risk reduction - Planning ahead to save lives
Never too early (or late) for DRR - Op-Ed: Making a difference with Disaster Risk Reducation
DRR is integral to relief and recovery operations; and positively impacting the resilience of disaster-affected communities is often at the centre of the response strategy.
World Vision – Working with communities to prepare
Mother nature helps predict natural disasters, but certainly cannot prepare anyone for them. Preparedness has become more of a valued concept since the Indian Ocean Tsunami; with international recognition of the importance of pre-planning and early-warning systems.