Ann Munene (PhD)
“Education opens a window in a child’s mind, to reveal a world full of possibilities”
Ann joined World Vision International in February 2013. She is currently a senior DME & Research Advisor for Education, providing global technical leadership, coordination and oversight for M&E and research in the Education sector across the WV Partnership. She holds a PhD in Educational Measurement, Research & Evaluation (EMRE). Before joining World Vision, Ann had worked in teaching, academia and research for 16 years, including a year with Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) as a Research Office in the team that coordinates large-scale national and international surveys like PISA, TIMSS and PIRLS. Her skills and expertise include students’ assessment, quantitative research methods, sampling and sample designs, developing or adapting survey tools, statistical analysis & data visualization.
Coming from a teaching background, Ann thrives in training and building technical capacity for programme staff within the organization for evidence-driven programming. She is also a multi-lingual communicator.
Twitter: @AnnMunene8