Mangani Banda
Mangani Banda has 19 years of extensive work with World Vision in Emergency, Recovery and Development programmes in the sector of Food Security and Livelihoods using Food and Cash Transfer and Integrated School Meals programmes. Mr. Banda has worked in different countries including Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, South Sudan, Laos, Mauritania and the Philippines.
Mr Banda worked with various governments and donors, including WFP, UNHCR, IOM, and USG grants, such as USDA’s McGovern Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition programme and USAID.
Mangani, is currently working as a Food Assistance Manager in Mozambique for the ECT3 and PARES projects which are supported by Mac Govern Dole and have a huge component in Local and Regional Procurement supporting 317 schools in total and providing meals to 180,000 school children.