Student council determines to make school a better place

Friday, December 2, 2011
BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - School should be a place where children learn and grow, as well as develop social skills and enjoy friendships in a safe, secure environment. But too often in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) these opportunities are neglected – a situation that one Student Council in Vrbas ADP region is determined to change. With the support of the school board and World Vision, some 20 students on the Student Council of the 'Sveti Sava' primary school in Kotor Varoš, Vrbas ADP, are seeking to bring joy back into their school and are resolved that the Council should be much more than something that exists only “on paper”. The students have established a well-equipped operating base, with World Vision support, which now serves as a meeting point for mobilising students, developing ideas, planning and promoting the Council’s activities, as well as enables them to implement projects, organise workshops and other initiatives.

the Council has done more in this year than in all previous years

Aleksandar Kuzmić (14), who is currently in the eight grade of the primary school and has been an active member of the School Council for the last four years says, "Before we were provided with this space, our meetings were irregular and they mainly consisted of talking and discussing. Due to poor working conditions we couldn’t do much more than that. With the new working space and equipment we meet more often and work actively on many different projects. As a consequence, our Council has done more in this year than in all previous years." Brigita Kuzmić (15), head of the Student Council adds, "As of this year the council has been organising school parties for the upper grades. We came to this idea as many students asked us to organise some joint after-school socialising events, and given that the students are too young to go out we thought the school parties will offer a solution, and they did. However, given that the school has no music equipment which can be used, we had to rent it and this made the organisation of parties difficult and questionable. Thanks to World Vision, which approved our project proposal and procurement of music equipment, we will be able to continue to organise the student parties, which proved to be a tremendous success.” In regards to the promotion and activism of Student and Parents Councils, World Vision has decided to work closely with the Student Councils in Kola, Bronzani Majdan, Kotor Varoš and Vrbanja, all located in northwest BiH.

Student Council is a benefit for all of us

This year, with the support of World Vision Korea, World Vision BiH started the work with councils in the two schools Kotor Varoš and Vrbanja where different project activities were realised, such as the placement of message boards in the hallway, organisation of theatre plays and social events etc. "To have a properly working School Council is great for our school, primarily for the members of the Council and the development of their organisational, communication and other skills. Moreover, the Council brings together bright students from different grades, students that would normally not hang out with each other”, says Borjana Vučanović, Student Council Coordinator, 'Sveti Sava' in Kotor Varoš. She adds, “The Council is for the benefit of all children in the school, not only for those who are in the Council. We proved that we can bring students together for after-school activities like parties. By doing so children will create positive associations with the school which is a benefit for all of us.