CONNECTING THE DOTS: Joining forces for enhanced child rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The project ‘Connecting the Dots – Joining forces for enhanced child rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina’, funded under the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), is fully rooted in advocacy and purposeful child protection stakeholder engagement. The project targets 3 key system-level issues in BiH: coordination, accountability and lack of children’s voices in decision-making platforms.
It proposes establishment and operationalization of the online platform for interface and purposeful cross-BiH engagement of relevant CP stakeholders (duty bearers) and children and youth (rights holders).
Partnerships with advocates for children’s rights and state institutions are at the core of this project.
The final objective is system level change - improved overall coordination and collaborative action between government and civil society & strengthening efforts to remove all barriers to children expressing their views and participating in decision making on all matters of concern to them, with special focus on the most vulnerable.

actions in brief
Key Actions
- Interagency, interface platform established and in the function of enhanced coordination and accountability in CP stakeholder action including children's voice and participation
- Purposeful
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"It is about time our generation gets a seat at the table", says Tin Bender-Dobardžić, member of the Child and Youth Comitee. "