New poultry project set to boost livelihoods and food security in three Ethiopian districts

EGGciting Project - Ethiopia
Utorak, Oktobar 12, 2021

World Vision, in collaboration with local government and technical partners, has launched a 22-month pilot poultry project called "EGGciting" in three of World Vision's Area Programmes (Ambasel, Boset, and Shashemene). The official launch workshop for the project was held on 6th and 7th of October 2021, at Saro Maria Hotel in Addis Ababa.

The project aims at improving the livelihoods and food security of rural communities by creating income-generating opportunities and capacity-building at household levels for improved egg production; whereby ensuring dietary diversity at household levels. Worth just over US$295,000, the project is funded by Royal DSM New Zealand, and intended to support 120 households in Ambasel district in Amhara Regional State, as well as Boset and Shashemene districts in Oromia Regional State.

In her opening remarks, Tsigereda Fekadu, Director of Poultry Development with the Ministry of Agriculture, said “The Ethiopian Government is keen to collaborate with development partners both governmental and non-governmental to realise its national development goals. Hence, the Ministry will work hand in hand with World Vision for the successful implementation of the EGGciting project.”  

World Vision will be collaborating with responsible government organisations and market actors, poultry farmers, input suppliers (vaccine, feed, pullets, etc.), and financial service providers (microfinance institutions) in the project implementation areas, in order to boost egg production and create market linkage.

The project will also engage in organising capacity-building and awareness raising trainings for egg producer groups and 24 households on the importance of eggs and their nutritional value; with targeted annual egg production estimated at 798,000 eggs and 2,850 chicken for meat.

Key for the project will also be to contribute to creating employment opportunities for youth through egg production. It will directly and indirectly benefit many households, supporting the country's economic development.