World Vision International launch their five-year strategy for children

Petak, Mart 3, 2023

World Vision International in Cambodia has launched a five-year strategy, targeting a positive impact on five million girls and boys, particularly those most vulnerable.

To achieve this strategic goal, World Vision’s 2023-2027 Strategy aims to implement three major programmes, firstly, Integrated Nutrition, Water and Sanitation and Livelihoods; secondly, Child Protection and Participation and thirdly,  Inclusive and Quality Education.

Some cross-cutting issues will also be mainstreamed across all programmes, including Disaster Risks Reduction & Climate Resilience; Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI); Policy Influencing and Service Delivery System Strengthening; Implementation of Social Accountability Framework (ISAF) and Children and Youth Participation.

The five-year goal is to achieve sustainable well-being for five million girls and boys.

“This ambitious 5 million goal aims to reach directly and indirectly 85% of Cambodia’s child population (Cambodia has a total population of 15.5 million of which 5.7 million or 36.7% are children aged 0-18 years old),” the World Vision said in a statement.

This strategy is fully aligned with the government’s Rectangular Strategy and other sectoral policy priorities, Sustainable Development Goals, relevant development partner’s priorities for Cambodia and World Vision International’s “Our Promise” to the most vulnerable children.

Janes Imanuel Ginting, Country Director for World Vision International in Cambodia, said this five-year strategy is ambitious and visionary and also based on lessons learned from the previous strategy implementation.

“It is really great to see progress of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Cambodia including goals relating to children’s development,” he said.

“The COVID-19 response and efforts for recovery from COVID-19 are equally encouraging. World Vision takes into account this context and all voices and aspirations during our strategy formulation consultations with children, youth, parents, community leaders, teachers, health workers, the Royal Government of Cambodia at national, provincial and local levels, development partners and other stakeholders,” he added.

World Vision plans to expand the geographic programmes coverage from 14 provinces in the previous strategy period of 2018-2022 to potentially 23 provinces, hoping World Vision can add values to existing development, humanitarian and advocacy programmes of Governments and of other partners, he said.

Australian Ambassador to Cambodia, Justin Whyatt, congratulated World Vision on their new country strategy.

“Australia and World Vision Cambodia have been partners since the late 1990s.  We are pleased to continue that partnership and to support activities like the Micro-franchised Agricultural Service project from 2015 to 2022, which has provided farmers knowledge on modern agricultural techniques and market linkages. Currently, Australia and World Vision are also working together on a project to engage citizens to improve service delivery through social accountability,” Ambassador Whyatt said.

“World Vision is grateful for the great cooperation with all partners in Cambodia. It is only when we work together, we can provide the best opportunities for many children in Cambodia to grow to their full potential, to experience life in its fullness,” he added.

Heang Sine, an Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Education appreciated World Vision’s contributions to the education sector in Cambodia, including during the challenging Covid-19 period.

He noted that the Ministry is looking forward to collaborating with World Vision and all development partners to achieve the goals of Cambodia’s Education 2030 Road Map, including achieving the strategic goals of access to quality education, equitable and inclusive basic education to promote learning for all.

BY: Khmer Times