As COVID-19 cases in Mali increase, World Vision activates its response to protect staff and beneficiaries

World Vision activates COVID-19 Response in Mali
Petak, Mart 27, 2020

(Bamako, 27/3/2020) Mali’s first two cases of COVID-19, announced by the Government on Wednesday, have shot up today to eleven, with World Vision taking steps to contain the pandemic that is fast spreading across the African continent.

“We value our staff and are also concerned about their families. We have taken steps to ensure our staff can work virtually from home, while also meeting our mandate of serving vulnerable people in Mali, especially children,” World Vision Mali’s National Director, Patrick Daniere told all staff in Mali, when he addressed them virtually.

Other directives issued include: two senior leadership team members will be working from the national office throughout, while the rest will be on call; some staff encouraged to take their vacation; some drivers remain on standby; discouragement from use of public transport; and, close coordination with the people and culture department for more guidance and support.

The HEA Director, Simon Mane staff says his response team remains committed to responding to the central and northern Mali emergency response category three humanitarian crisis.

“We have prepared ourselves to reduce the spread of COVID-19 among staff and within vulnerable communities where World Vision Mali has a presence and also respond, where need be,” Simon said.

The first two cases of a man and a woman were last Wednesday reported in Bamako and Kaye regions. World Vision’s headquarters is in Bamako, while Kaye hosts three Area Programmes (APs).

“I consider Kaye a vulnerable region. Previously in 2015-2016, it recorded two to three Ebola cases that compelled World Vision to institute preparedness plans,” the Central and Northern Mali’s Response Manager, Souleymane Goita says.

The National Director has reassured the partners and stakeholders that World Vision Mali is adequately prepared to respond to COVID-19 and encouraged staff to observe high hygiene standards: “One of our core values is that we value people and are really concerned, especially for our staff".

World Vision Mali has activated its Crisis Management Team (CMT), as well as the National Disaster Management Team (NDMT).

(By Michael Arunga, Emergency Communications Specialist, WV Mali)


For More Information, Contact:

Patrick Daniere,

National Director,

World Vision Mali



Simon Mane,

HEA Director,

World Vision Mali

Cellphone: +223 68 60 34 96



Michael Arunga,

Emergency Communications Specialist,

World Vision Mali

Cellphone: +223 96 538375
