World Vision provides multipurpose cash assistance to most vulnerable families affected by Tigray crisis

Tigray emergency response
Petak, Mart 12, 2021

World Vision has provided 19 million Birr (over US$ 450,000) multipurpose cash assistance to the most vulnerable families affected by the Tigray crisis in Ethiopia. The cash assistance is set to address the immediate needs of 8,395 sponsored children and internally displaced people who came from different parts of Tigray. The intervention will also cover targeted beneficiaries in all the seven area programmes. 

“Thank you very much for providing us with this cash support. Today is a market day. I will buy some foodstuff from the market to feed my children,” said a 45-year-old woman, Leteberhan, a mother of five and head the household from Wukro town. 

Breho Woldu, another mother of five is from Enderta District. During the war, she and her children spent days without food. Through the cash assistance, Breho can now buy some foodstuff for her children. “I bought 50 kilograms of wheat and cooking oil for the family,” she said.

Kassa Kiros, 70, has been in Gute, in eastern Wollega for the last 36 years. Kassa along with her three grandchildren fled the area due to insecurity in the area. Kassa explains what she did with cash she received, “I have bought ‘teff’, 50 kilograms of wheat, and cooking oil.”

Tigray emergency respose, cash assistance

Thus far, 12 million Birr (just under US$ 300,000) of the total allotted budget has been distributed. “We have completed distribution at Enderta, Wukro, Medebay Zana, and Asgede Tsimbila Area Programmes. Distribution for Samre, Alamata, and Gulo Makeda Area Programmes will start soon,” said Awoke Degaga, Cash Programming Specialist for World Vision.

World Vision's Tigray region programme has repurposed 20% of its sponsorship budget for emergency response in order to address the dire humanitarian need that followed the conflict. 


World Vision has been working in the Tigray region for more than 40 years. Learn more about how our teams are mobilising to meet the needs of the most vulnerable affected by these recent crisis.