Alexandra Levaditis headshot

Alexandra Levaditis

Senior Director, Humanitarian Effectiveness, Disaster Management

“HOW we provide assistance to affected people is as important as what we provide. When we put people at the center, we prioritize engagement and their participation in critical decisions that affect them.”

Throughout her career, Alexandra Levaditis has led teams and projects that seek to provide avenues for people’s engagement and prioritise their needs and rights. Since 2015, Alexandra Levaditis has served as a Senior Director with World Vision’s Disaster Management Team.  She is responsible for overseeing a team of humanitarian professionals that provide technical leadership in all aspects of MEAL and Knowledge Management at programme and organizational levels.  Previous to this, Alexandra was responsible for humanitarian staff capacity building and organisational development and field implementation of humanitarian accountability.  As part of World Vision’s Sri Lanka Tsunami Response, Alexandra managed the first humanitarian accountability team and programme in the organization. Before World Vision, Alexandra worked primarily in the field of democracy and governance, supporting projects which promoted good governance, election administration and the development of civil society.  She has a master’s degree in International Affairs from the George Washington University.