We work with people to make change happen
Our Commitment to Vulnerable Children
We are child focused. Our strategy is to invest in improving the well-being of children living in poor and marginalised communities.
Our promise is to the most vulnerable children to bring extreme poverty to an end by 2030. At World Vision, we will relentlessly pursue our vision for every child, life in all its fullness and our prayer for every heart, the will to make it so. We will do this until all children:
Enjoy good health and are protected from disease
Are educated for life and enabled to fulfil their potential
Are cared for, protected and participating
Experience the profound security of the love of God and others
Our Commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals
We have made a commitment to helping build a better future for all by integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into our strategy. Through our programs we are working to achieve goals No Hunger (2), Good Health and Wellbeing (3), Quality Education (4), Gender Equality (5), Clean Water and Sanitation (6), Reduced Inequalities (10) and Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (16).
Our Strategic Imperative
If trends continue, by 2030 the world’s poorest children – suffering extreme poverty, high mortality and malnutrition – will be increasingly concentrated in fragile contexts and other hard-to-reach areas. Exposure to violence, exploitation and other serious human rights violations will be worldwide. As an organization dedicated to reaching the most vulnerable children in the world, we must respond to the needs found in these difficult areas.
To be most effective in responding to these challenges, we are adapting how we work. Our new strategy sets out five imperatives to guide us over the coming years.
We will engage in these strategic imperatives while challenging our own mindsets and behaviours as an organization. Corporately and individually, we are committed to new areas of growth and development. We will do this as we work together to build brighter futures for the world's vulnerable children.