Channels of Hope for Gender
Channels of Hope is a World Vision methodology that motivates and builds capacity in faith leaders and faith communities to engage with key child well-being issues. Channels of Hope for Gender is an innovative approach to exploring gender identities, norms and values that impact male and female relationships in families and communities. The programme methodology challenges participants to see men and women as created by God as equals and to treat each other accordingly. The new understanding fostered empowers both women and men to celebrate who they are, moves people towards healthier relationships, and contributes to reducing gender-based violence.
Faith leaders are often incredibly influential in the community; their interpretation and the resulting application of religious texts shapes male and female relationships. In some instances, religious text has been used to validate cultural practices that keep women on the fringes of processes that are critical to their own development and to that of their families and communities. Other prejudices extend more power and privilege to males at the expense of females. This can result in a lack of equitable access and control of family and community resources, as well as gender-based violence. This power imbalance negatively impacts on the well-being of women and girls and the development potential of entire communities.
As faith leaders explore their attitudes and perspectives, they also have an opportunity to engage with other individuals and organisations at work in the community. They learn unique ways the faith community can address underlying norms that drive behaviour, take actions which strengthen community systems and structures and contribute in meaningful ways to addressing violence in the community.
When faith leaders promote principles of equality, and the shared access and utilisation of family and community resources, this contributes to harmonious relationships within families, faith groups and communities.
Learn more about the Channels of Hope process
Key outcomes
- Faith communities are engaged in actions that contribute to gender-based violence prevention, advocacy or care
- Faith leaders demonstrate a healthy faith perspective on gender and are able to frame faith-based responses relating to gender justice
- Faith, community and young leaders become role models influencing the positive change of attitudes, values and norms regarding gender relationships
- Participation, access and control of resources are improved for both male and female members of communities