Channels of Hope for HIV
Channels of Hope is a World Vision methodology that motivates and builds capacity in faith leaders and faith communities to engage with key child well-being issues. Channels of Hope for HIV was the original adaptation of Channels of Hope. The Channels of Hope methodology, one of World Vision’s core HIV and AIDS response models, is used to pool current and potential volunteers to mobilise the infrastructure, organisational capacity, and unmatched moral authority of local churches and faith communities towards positive action on HIV and AIDS. Once they have been mobilised, World Vision works with churches and other faith-based organisations to coordinate and equip sustainable, community-based HIV and AIDS programmes with an emphasis on reaching orphans and vulnerable children in need of care and support.
This methodology is not only effective for faith leaders, but has been used to great effect with various target groups, such as teachers, community leaders, and youth.
Learn more about the Channels of Hope process
Key outcomes
- Faith communities are engaged in actions that contribute to HIV and AIDS prevention, advocacy or care
- Community members and target populations are taking steps to increase voluntary testing, particularly among pregnant mothers
- Decreased rates of mother-to-child transmission of HIV