Protecting the most vulnerable children from COVID-19 in Lao PDR
COVID-19 situation in Lao PDR
Up to date, Lao PDR detected 41 positive cases of COVID-19.
26 people have already recovered from the virus, while the 15 active cases are closely being monitored at the relevant hospital designated by the National Taskforce of the Lao Government.
A national lockdown was pronounced in the early stages of first cases' detection, including home quarantine for the population and the ban of travels between the provinces, to avoid a large outbreak in the country.
World Vision International is deeply involved to support the Government of Lao PDR in its efforts to avoid the spread of the virus and to protect the most vulnerable from the disease.
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Hidden Hero story
The garden of promises: how an ordinary mother kept feeding her 13-members household during COVID-19
With the closure of traditional markets and low incomes, Chansamone had to rely on her own garden production during COVID-19 situation. Fortunately, she attended World Vision's AHAN Program training on agriculture few months ago.