World Vision donates medical center to Public Health Ministry

Friday, August 7, 2015

The Public Health Ministry made a commitment to providing free access to quality health care in the Bahoruco Province bateyes, and to strengthen the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Santo Domingo (August 5, 2015).- On this Wednesday, World Vision donated to the Public Health Ministry a medical center that the organization has managed for ten years in batey 6 community, Bahoruco province.

The transfer of the center to the Dominican State was headed by World Vision representative in the country, David Coates, and the Public Health director for the Enriquillo region, Luis Perez Gonzalez.

During the ceremony, Coates said: "The transfer of this health center to the State does not mean that World Vision will faint and become invisible. It is our responsibility to ensure a quality service to everyone. It is important that every child, every mother, every pregnant woman, enjoy the medical care and quality they deserve."

Gonzalez stated that: "Our intention is to have this place as a pilot project for a true first level health care assistance center, where comprehensive care and holistic health is offered, accompanied by non-governmental organizations, accompanied by civil society, by health teams, by all people because, after all, when people are not part of it, we are not talking of comprehensive health and our intention for it is to be holistic".

The representative of World Vision in Dominican Republic, David Coates, called for the public oversight on health issues for the protection of vulnerable children and their families. To his right, the Public Health Director for Enriquillo region, Luis Perez Gonzalez, and to his left, the manager of that government entity for the Bahoruco province, Juan Pablo Guillermo.

The official said that the State will strengthen the prevention and care of HIV/AIDS for the batey population.

Thousands of residents in Batey 6 and in other nearby bateyes benefited from free access to health in general medical areas, pediatrics and gynecology while the center was run by World Vision. The place has a clinical laboratory where a symbolic contribution was charged for services.

Hematology Room. 

The manager of Public Health for the Bahoruco province, Juan Pablo Guillermo promised that the service will remain free, "what will happen here is that the service provided will continue with the same or better quality than what is currently offered."

In regards to health, World Vision, along with public and private institutions, supports health and nutrition programs focused on prevention, in order to contribute to the development and reducing the vulnerability of children, adolescents, young people and their communities.

World Vision is an international Christian humanitarian organization advocacy and development, dedicated to working with children, families and communities to reduce vulnerability and injustice. It serves all people regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or gender.

Gynecology ward.