Clean water, sanitation and hygiene for every child
Rapid gains in access to water, sanitation and hygiene have been made in recent years in the East Asia and Pacific region. Yet nearly 910 million people still do not have safe sanitation services and an estimated 116 million lack basic drinking water. Poor water, sanitation, and hygiene conditions have a detrimental effect on children's growth and development. The consequences of unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene on children can be deadly, and diarrhoea is still the leading cause of children's mortality in the Southeast Asian region.
Growing up in a clean and safe environment is every child’s right.
At World Vision, we focus on bringing clean water, dignified sanitation and effective hygiene practices to communities. Safe water supplies reduce the time needed to collect water, thereby increasing the time families have to generate income and children have to study and enjoy their childhood. Safe toilets and handwashing facilities keep children and families free from diseases. Clean water and appropriate toilets and handwashing facilities at school mean that children can stay healthy and focused on learning. In emergency contexts, immediate water, sanitation and hygiene assistance means survival for the most affected and most vulnerable children, families and communities.
SDGs supported:

Our impact in East Asia
We envision a world where every child uses safe water and lives in a clean environment.
Stories of hope
The true indicator of our success comes directly from the children and the communities. These stories only come to life because of your generosity and support which enable us to bring positive change in the lives of the most vulnerable children across East Asia.