
Education in Emergencies and Protracted Crisis

Education in Emergencies (EiE), as defined by the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), is the provision of quality education that addresses the comprehensive needs of individuals affected by crises. This includes meeting their physical protection, psychosocial support, and developmental and cognitive growth. EiE plays a dual role: it sustains life by providing a sense of normalcy and safety during emergencies, and it is life-saving by offering essential protection and opportunities for healing and growth amid turmoil.

At World Vision, we are deeply committed to ensuring that all children, especially the most vulnerable, continue to have access to quality, nurturing, and equitable educational opportunities, regardless of the circumstances. Our mission is to ensure that children impacted by crises or disasters do not miss out on their right to education. Through formal and non-formal education pathways, we strive to deliver inclusive, relevant, meaningful, and protective education.

The importance of EiE cannot be overstated. It serves as a critical tool in reducing the risks that children face in emergencies, such as exploitation, abuse, early or forced marriage, military recruitment, and child labor. By keeping children and adolescents engaged in quality, protective education, we significantly decrease their vulnerability to these dangers and help build a foundation for their future success and well-being. 

Education in Emergencies is not just about learning but about providing hope, stability, and the skills needed to rebuild lives and communities in the aftermath of crises.



World Vision Summer Camps in the West Bank 2024