Southern Africa Floods and Cyclone Emergency Response
Join with us to help provide food, shelter and other emergency needs for those affected by this storm and now are forced to deal with restrictions imposed by COVID-19 pandemic
Cyclone Idai Emergency Response
On March 14, 2019 Cyclone Idai made landfall in the southern African countries of Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe. In Mozambique, where the majority of deaths occurred, the impact was devastating, particularly in Beira. Many children and their communities have been affected, including areas where World Vision is implementing long-term development programmes. This disaster follows successive failed crop seasons due to poor rainfall and drought, that affected most of the areas experiencing flooding and the cyclone.
The Situation
Over the course of the coming weeks and months, we'll be working to reach the children and their families in the following ways:
Distributing food and emergency shelter kids for tens of thousands of families and young children
Working to halt the spread of disease in partnership with local health workers
Setting up special spaces in evacuation camps where children can be cared for, monitored and receive basic psychological support and learning.
Establishing kitchens to ensure infants and young children are fed
Providing clean water, emergency toilets and places to wash
We’ll also be organising cash for work programmes where families will be given cash that they can spend, in return for work
Over the longer term World Vision will help survivors rebuild their lives, homes and local infrastructure to get children back into school