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Key figures
Goals and objectives
The “Integrated Emergency Health, Nutrition, Protection and WASH Response in Northwest Syria” project funded by Global Affairs Canada aims to reduce vulnerability, increase and maintain human dignity (especially for women and girls), and vulnerable lives saved of displaced population in Idleb Governorate through a multi-year, multi-sectoral and gender-responsive project that seeks to improve access to life-saving health, nutrition, WASH and protection assistance to IDPs and host communities
Key actions
To meet health and nutrition needs, the project will transition mobile medical units to static health facilities, provide free life-saving health care, provide nutrition services, and conduct community outreach on various health and nutrition topics.
For WASH, this project will support accessibility to basic WASH services and supplies. In addition, it will improve the quantity and quality of lifesaving water and sanitation services and reduce costs of water trucking and desludging.
To strengthen protection assistance, the project will provide awareness and knowledge on positive coping mechanisms including seeking protection, health, and legal services, family, and community support, and adopting activism/awareness raising to address sexual and gender based violence (SGBV) within their communities. This will be achieved through continuing the support of the Child Friendly Spaces (CFSs) and Women and Girls’ Spaces (WGSs) already established in the previous project.
Project duration
April 2022 – March 2024
Project locations
Harim district and sub districts of Dana, Kafr Takharim, Northwest Syria
Implementing partners
Syrian Expatriates Medical Association (SEMA) and Action for Humanity (AFH)