End Trafficking in Persons Programme Evaluation
In 2011, World Vision began a new five-year anti-trafficking programme, ‘End Trafficking in Persons’ (ETIP), across the six countries of the GMS region. ETIP had a budget of about US$14 million and was funded primarily by the Australian Government (approximately 50%), with support from other World Vision support offices including Canada, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. The programme built on key learnings from earlier anti-trafficking projects that World Vision led in the region prior to 2011, which included the Mekong Delta Regional Trafficking Strategy Phase 2, the Regional Advocacy Anti-Child Trafficking Project and individual country projects such as the Assistance, Support and Protection Project. The aim of ETIP was to bring together such cross-border initiatives to provide a more strategic and cohesive approach to tackling the issue of unsafe migration and trafficking in the region.
The programme was also informed by an extensive regional study on the knowledge, attitudes and practices related to trafficking in persons, conducted by World Vision in communities in Cambodia, Laos PDR, Myanmar, Vietnam and Thailand, with a specific focus on the vulnerability of migrant populations to trafficking. This study, which involved close to 10,000 respondents completing questionnaires developed by World Vision, provided a lot of the baseline data used to inform the final evaluation of the ETIP programme.
This evaluation report seeks to communicate the changes the programme has made and to assess the overall effectiveness of the programmatic approach.