Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
World Vision Ethiopia WASH Programme has been tracked back to the age of World Vision in Ethiopia, where it has been implemented with different modalities under different technical programmes, though, most of the intervention was focused on water before 2007/8; then followed by Water and Sanitation interventions until the full Water, Sanitation and Hygiene programme interventions started in 2011. The WASH programme has demonstrated a series of improvements and contributed significantly to the sector by addressing children in need and their families.
Currently, the World Vision strategy, organizational commitment and the planned investment from 2021-2025 of the WASH business plan developed in support of sustainable development goal 6 (SDG-6) clean water and sanitation for all. We believe every child deserves and has the right to use clean water and live in a sanitary and hygienic environment. World Vision WASH programme focuses on providing sustainable clean water, decent sanitation and healthy hygiene practices at the community, and institution levels across all regions focusing on 49 area programmes across 7 regional states and the Addis Ababa City administration. We also introduced innovative WASH technologies such as solar-powered water supply systems at communities and institutions, WASH-NTD interventions, Menstrual Health & Hygiene (MHH) Interventions at Schools, and WASH Business Center Initiatives.
In the year 2023, through our WASH programme 1,600,252 people were reached with access to sustainable and clean water supply, sanitation and hygiene.