Health and Nutrition
To contribute to an increase in children aged 0-5 years who are well-nourished and protected from infection and disease.
Who will the programme IMPACT?
- Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, their male partners, and children under five and children.
- Health workers.
- Faith, cultural and community leaders.
What will the programme ACHIEVE?
- 2,400 functional Village Health Teams were established to promote behaviour change at the household level.
- 277,200 households reached with appropriate maternal, child health, and nutrition messages.
- 92, 400 pregnant and breastfeeding mothers were reached by a trained community health worker.
- 665,280 children 0-59 months reached by a trained community health worker.
- 20,020 children with moderate acute malnutrition were rehabilitated.
- 1,040 functional Nurturing Care Groups were established to provide peer-to-peer support and promote integrated programmes at the household level.
- 231 health facilities supported to provide appropriate maternal, child health, and nutrition services.
How will this be ACHIEVED?
- Sensitize households to adopt appropriate maternal, child health, and nutrition practices.
- Empower communities to demand quality health services (e.g. improved access to essential medicines, adequate staffing of health facilities, increased financing, and effective leadership) through advocacy.
- Strengthen health systems through equipping health facilities and training health workers to provide quality maternal-child health and nutrition services.
What will SUCCESS look like?
- Reduced maternal and child mortality and morbidity rates.
- Reduced malnutrition rates among children under 5 years.
- Increased community knowledge and adoption of appropriate maternal, child health, and nutrition practices.
- Strengthened health system to deliver quality maternal, child health, and nutrition services.
- Improved attitudes and support from male partners.
Timed Targeted Counselling
Counseling services are offered to pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, their household members to increase adoption of appropriate maternal, child health, and nutrition practices.
Key activities;
- Building capacity of Village health teams with the knowledge and skills to promote appropriate and timely health and nutrition messages
- Support village health teams to conduct home visits
- Support the referral of community members to access health services
Positive deviance hearth
A community-led approach was applied to identify and address mild, moderate, and severe malnutrition in children under three years using locally available foods.
Key activities
- Establish the nutrition status of the children in the community.
- Identify the positive behaviours in the community for replication.
- Demonstrate to mothers how to use locally available foods to rehabilitate malnourished children.
- Conduct regular follow-ups to sustain the new behaviors and practice.
Nurturing support group; Peer to peer support groups where a group of 10-15 lead mothers come together to promoting health, nutrition, Livelihoods, and Early Childhood Development to neighboring women
Key focus;
- Barrier analysis and development of on Health, Nutrition, Livelihoods, and Early Childhood Development package to promote.
- Support establishment/ formation of the groups through which neighbor women will regularly meet to learn a new message
- Support monitoring, supervision, and reporting of the support group
Citizen Voice and Action for Health
Communities trained and empowered to use Citizen Voice and Action to engage with their leaders and demand for quality maternal, child health, and nutrition services.
Key activities
- Establish and train health and nutrition Citizen Voice and Action teams on gathering evidence and community feedback to inform their advocacy agenda.
- Educate communities on the minimum health care package and scorecard assessments at health facilities.
- Support sub-county and district-level dialogues between communities and their leaders.
*Statistics as of 2021