World Vision Commitment to the Every Newborn Action Plan

Jueves, Octubre 15, 2015 - 20:22

In support of the Every Newborn Action Plan, World Vision International commits to improve maternal and newborn health through community and health systems strengthening approaches that particularly focus on quality, availability and accessibility of essential services towards universal coverage, particularly at sub-national and local level.

Specifically this will include:

 Reviewing, sharpening and prioritising our reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health and nutrition programme with a stronger focus on care of mothers and newborns at the time of birth and during the first week of life

 Supporting 100,000 CHW in 40 countries with a view to integrating newborn and postnatal interventions and care

 Scaling up our home visiting approach called Timed and Targeted Counselling (ttC) in 16 countries with high maternal and newborn mortality, most of which are in Africa

 Integrating newborn care into the Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) programmes being implemented in 15 countries

 Empowering families and communities to demand better health for mothers, newborns and young children

 Ensuring accountability for the commitments made to Every Newborn

 Advocating for the survival and well-being of every woman, every newborn and every child