World Vision also combines economic development, food security and education and advocacy to;
Enable families to have access to nutritious food throughout the year
Caregivers receive knowledge to improve feeding practices for children
Communities are empowered to protect children from infection and disease
Health centre staff know how to identify and treat malnutrition
World Vision supports the initiatives of the government and we work in partnership to strengthen the implementation of national nutrition programmes.
Through the Integrated Nutrition programme, World Vision is taking steps to achieve the Cambodia Sustainable Development Goals; Zero Hunger (2), Good Health and Wellbeing (3) and Clean Water and Sanitation (6). Simultaneously World Vision is contributing to three goals of the Rectangular Strategy included in Cambodia’s National Strategic Development Plan: Promoting Health and Integrated Nutrition, the Promotion of Livestock Farming and Aquaculture and Water Resources and irrigation system management.
Nutrition makes children happy
Integrated Nutrition Goal
Increase in children who are healthy and well-nourished.
Integrated Nutrition Objectives
Children are free from disease
Caregivers exhibit good infant and young child feeding practice
Improved policy implementation
Poor households have improved incomes and assets

Our Approach
Many different factors contribute to poor health. Therefore we take a multi-faceted approach to address the problem, working with the government and other national and local partners in four key areas;
Help families develop year-round access to nutritious food
Support caregivers in adopting improved feeding practices for infants and young children
Help communities protect children from infection and disease through improved management of diarrhoea and better access to clean water and sanitation
Support the government in improving the implementation of national nutrition policies