Closing the learning gap creates life-long opportunities!

Sham and her book.
Martes, Junio 22, 2021 - 12:32

Closing the learning gap for the most vulnerable students is the most powerful act for change. Ensuring that every girl and boy get the quality education they need to unlock their full potential, not only contributes in improving health and livelihoods, it also leads towards driving long-term social growth and eventually building a better world for the children.

In partnership with UNICEF and funds from Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office in UK (FCDO UK and France), World Vision in Lebanon is providing “Early Childhood Education” targeting approximately 700 Syrian refugee children in Central Bekaa and Aarsal through remote learning. The programme aims to develop the social, emotional and cognitive skills they need to prepare for primary school and beyond.


Education will give her a goal in life!

”My six-year-old daughter Sham has improved a lot since starting this programme,” said her mother Fatme, 36. “I think education will give her a goal in life,” she added. “I love the sessions so much, they gave me books, worksheets, coloured pencils and my favourite activity is colouring, I am also learning about numbers, letters, shapes and colours,” said Sham.

Despite being a refugee living in the worst forms of vulnerability in an informal tented settlement, Sham plans to help others in the future. “I will continue my education and become a doctor when I grow up to help the sick people," said Sham.

“Sham knows we fled the war in Syria, she was born in Lebanon and we named her Sham after the Syrian city because we miss our country so much. Sham dreams of going back to her country,” Fatme indicated. “I am very happy that Sham is excited about her education journey, this opportunity is very important for her, emphasised the mother.

“Sham at first was a bit shy, but when she started participating in all the sessions and interacting with her friends in the group, it was clear how passionate about her studies and how smart she is, she always gives the first answer and she is really eager and full of potential, her progress was remarkable” Carine, Sham’s teacher pointed out. “Sham was a bit timid and hesitant before starting the programme, I noticed that she became more energetic and full of enthusiasm afterwards” highlighted the mother.

Access to education may be taken for granted by many communities that can cater learning facilities. However, for vulnerable communities it is a rare opportunity that may be a turning point towards achieving their aspirations. The informal tented settlements are over-flowing with children that are eager to learn and build a better future. The “Early Childhood Education” programme aims to empower children in turning those rare opportunities into efficient steps towards unlocking their full potential.