Counting Pennies II: An analysis of official development assistance to end violence against children

Counting Pennies II Cover
Mercredi 3 février 2021 - 01:01

Violence against children impacts more than one billion children and costs world economies US$7
trillion annually. In 2015, the world’s leaders listed violence against children as one of the top
priorities in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, thus acknowledging its serious
impact on the health, education and long-term well-being of children and societies.

Since then, an increasing number of countries have committed to accelerate progress in ending
violence against children. However, progress has been slow and further undermined by the outbreak of COVID-19.

Lack of political will and investment in child protection by national governments and donors
are considered some of the critical obstacles to achieving results. However, without adequate
mechanisms to monitor budget allocations at national or international levels, the quantity and
effectiveness of investments are often difficult to determine.

This report offers a rare glimpse into the state of donor investment to end violence against children and offers key findings and reccomendations for how to improve the situation in the future.