publication / December 18, 2024
West and Central Africa Newsletter - December 2024
In this issue of the West & Central Africa Newsletter, we highlight the remarkable progress accomplished across our programmes throughout the year 2024, looking back on the trials and celebrating the triumphs.
publication / January 9, 2025
Climate-Smart Agriculture Guidance Note
World Vision Climate-Smart Agriculture Guidance Note
press release / January 7, 2025
Communiqué De Presse: Le Rotary Lance Une Initiative De 8,5 Millions De Dollars Pour La Santé Des Enfants En République Démocratique Du Congo
Alors que le paludisme, la pneumonie et les maladies diarrhéiques restent des facteurs majeurs de maladie et de mortalité chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans en République démocratique du Congo (RDC), le Rotary International, en partenariat avec la Fondation Gates et World Vision, s'efforce de réduire la morbidité de ces maladies et d'améliorer les services de santé dans le pays. Dans le cadre du « Défi du Rotary pour des collectivités en bonne santé », le programme de 8,5 millions de dollars en RDC répondra aux besoins spécifiques en matière de santé dans les provinces du Kasaï, du Sud-Kivu et du Tanganyika en formant et en déployant plus de 2 000 agents de santé locaux, et en les équipant pour diagnostiquer, traiter et gérer les cas de paludisme, de pneumonie et de diarrhée. Il créera également des centres de soins locaux pour fournir des services essentiels de prévention et de traitement, réduisant ainsi considérablement la mortalité infantile dans ces régions.
publication / January 27, 2025
Phase II Study: Disaster Risk Reduction Programming in Asia and the Pacific
Disaster Risk Reduction Programming in Asia and the Pacific
article / October 30, 2024
Partnership brings safe water and health to Kapara Village
Yanauo shares how traditional bamboo water collection evolved into using plastic containers as their village lacked a safe water source, causing children to fall sick. World Vision's Markham Wash project introduced toilets and handwashing, leading to improved health. With a new gravity-fed water system, families now enjoy clean, accessible water.
publication / August 8, 2024
Lost and Alone- Addressing the Crisis of Unaccompanied and Separated Children in Post-Earthquakes Northwest Syria and Southern Türkiye
This report presents the findings from a unique piece of research conducted by World Vision Syria Response in Northwest Syria (NWS) and Southern Türkiye. It is the first of its kind to specifically explore how the February 2023 earthquakes in the region have impacted unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) and who were separated from their families during the disasters. The study brings together the diverse perspectives and experiences of caregivers, community members and most importantly, Syrian UASC in some of the worst earthquakes-affected areas. The report underlines the critical role of community-based alternative care systems in caring for unaccompanied and separated children and emphasises the severe gaps in existing services for children without parental care. Finally, it calls for increased prioritisation of Syrian unaccompanied and separated children in both NWS and Southern Türkiye in the overall humanitarian response to the Syrian conflict.
publication / February 23, 2023
Rapport Annuel World Vision Mali 2022_FR
Rapport Annuel d'activités de World Vision au Mali en 2022
publication / August 29, 2016
WV Mali Annual Report 2015 (Fr & Eng)
WV Mali Annual Report 2015 displays key achievements of the year and shares interesting stories from the heart of the beneficiaries.
publication / July 19, 2024
Promotion of Baby-Friendly Health Centres (BFHC)
Between the '90s and early 2000s, Cambodia showed impressive achievement in the percentage of children in Cambodia exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months; however, it later decreased from 74% in 2010 to 51% in 2021 (CDHS). In addition, the country registered low rates of early breastfeeding initiation, with only 54% of new-borns breastfed within 1 hour of birth, even though 98.7% of the births are delivered by skilled birth attendants in Cambodia according to the Cambodia Demographic Health Survey 2021-2022.