Sandra surrounded with her classmates

World Vision Disability Inclusion Forum 2024

World Vision’s Our Promise strategy emphasises deepening our commitment to the most vulnerable boys and girls.  World Vision knows that helping vulnerable girls and boys must include children with disabilities.

In 2021, World Vision prioritised disability inclusion through our 2021 Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Policy and guidelines. In 2022, we built on the policy commitments and outlined key priorities for disability inclusion in our programming.

This year, World Vision will host a Disability Inclusion learning forum in Malawi from 15-18 July 2024. During this forum, we will come together to learn more about ongoing work from around the world on disability inclusion to shape our plans for the next five years.

Explore this page to learn more about World Vision’s work for disability inclusion!

More resources by sectors

Disability inclusion_WASH


  • Learning Brief: Disability Inclusion. Read More

  • Water for Women Vanuatu Project - Water, Women and Disability Study. Read More

  • Water for Women Projects – Disability-Inclusive WASH Practice. Read More

Disability inclusion in Education


  • The challenge of providing education for all children – insights from Malawi. Read More

  • Hard Lessons Report. Read More

  • Strengthening Inclusive Education in Nepal (Sikai) Project. Read More

Disability inclusion_Livelihoods


  • iLive Project - Value for Money assessment of Disability Inclusion. Read More
  • iLive Impact brief. Read More
  • Effectiveness of Savings for Transformation (S4T) and Producer Groups (PGs) in Economic Engagement and Resilience to Natural Disasters, research brief. Read More
Disability Inclusion in social accountability

Social Accountability

  • Practice Notes: Citizen Voice and Action for Disability. Read More

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