Ghana Participates in Global Summit for winning OP2030 story contest

Written by: Agnes K. Obeng & Nita Tua-Esi Coffie
In connection with Our Promise 2030, National Offices (NOs) were encouraged to write and share stories of impact popularly called "Quick wins" on quarterly basis. These stories were to be based on the four (4) mind-set changes or the five (5) strategic imperatives.
WVG during the 1st quarter presented a story entitled "World Vision Ghana staff gets closer through leadership and trust" authored by Agnes Obeng, Partnering & Institutional Capacity Building Specialist. Out of 165 stories that were received from across the partnership by the Strategy Realization Office, World Vision Ghana was amongst the four winners.
The story was featured at the Global Leadership Summit in London in March,2018. The National Director and together with Agnes were present to receive the Award on behalf of WVG.
As part of the summit, Dickens Thunde, National Director and Agnes were interviewed in a panel discussion on how the story was seen as a reality to Our Promise 2030. There was also a conference where the National Office was given the opportunity to showcase her work at an exhibition. Winners were also given the opportunity to visit WVUK office in order to pick lessons on Sustainable Funding for sharing with the Ghana RAM Unit.