Health, Nutrition and WASH
World Vision’s Health, Nutrition and WASH programme focuses on providing sustainable well-being for children. The programme is tailored to address Country Strategy Objective 3 (increase in well-nourished children), SDGs 2, 3, and 6, the government’s seventh five-year plan, and the World Vision Our Promise 2030 strategy.
Increased awareness of services available at community clinics, increase knowledge and access of mothers and children to services, and building capacities of health facilities to meet the needs of all patients.

- Mothers to practice appropriate nutrition care for their children aged 0-5 years
- Mothers practice essential health services
- Community based inclusive WASH practices improved
- Scaled up COVID-19 preventative measures to slow the spread of the disease
- Communities have increased ability to effectively prepare for and respond to disasters
OUR TARGET (2021-2025)
6,165,602 children will be addressed in different interventions of Health, Nutrition, and WASH.
Our Approaches
The programme aims to improve existing services at community clinics as its top priority, with a focus on especially improving child and maternal health.
This is done through implementing 35 long-term area development programmes (APs), forming partnerships with village/ urban development communities, HNW sub-committees and key stakeholders. Services are mainly provided in hard-to-reach areas and to the most disaster and poverty vulnerable communities. WASH services were particularly addressed as it was identified as the least accessible by 35 AP communities.

Positive Deviance Hearth (PD/Hearth)
Citizen Voice and Action (CVA)
Integrated WASH
Timed and Targeted Counseling (TTC)
World Vision supports the initiatives of the government and we work in partnership to strengthen the implementation of national nutrition programmes. Through the Health, Nutrition and WASH programme, World Vision is taking steps to achieve SDG 2: No hunger and SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being.